Join In Young Spearheads Brimbank Young Leaders Twenty two young leaders from across Brimbank are participating in a Brimbank Community Safety project. Funded by the Department of Justice and supported by Victoria Police the 14 and 15 year olds meet weekly to explore and discuss community safety and crime prevention. YouthNow has designed a program to develop personal resilience and an understanding of issues that impact community safety. Presentations have been followed by discussion on topics that include cyber safety, bullying, legal health, cultural diversity, mental health and drug and alcohol abuse. During the last school holidays the group visited Melbourne's CBD and Brimbank City Council chambers and Sunshine Police station. The leaders particularly enjoyed the tour of the police station. The group meets weekly at the Sunshine Library and the Sydenham Library and will present messages for community safety to their peers, their schools and the Brimbank Community Safety Network in October. Manage Cookie Preferences